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Writer's pictureMegan Calton

Dramatic Clouds | Vivid Colours | Stunning Scenery

There has been many a time when I've been somewhere, maybe for a walk in the evening perhaps and see an absolutely stunning sunset and I've forgotten to bring my camera!! It is THE most frustrating thing. The good news is however I have a pretty decent camera on my phone! The iPhone 7 Plus is brilliant but even still, I make sure I take my camera with me just in case.

When I first began taking photos it was with an iPhone.. and it was always the sky. The sky absolutely fascinates me. It makes me feel completely tiny and insignificant when you look up and see such awe-inspiring patterns and colours. Each day is different too which makes my photos more varied! I just love the anticipation of never knowing what it will be like..especially in England. That's one positive way of looking at our frequent weather variations anyway!

So here you go, some of my favourite work for you to see! Check out my landscape photography below. I won't bore you with words - I'll let the photos do the talking!


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